News and Events

Cantemus 2024




Call for Papers

The Restoration of Gregorian Chant
A Tribute to Dom Joseph Pothier (1835–1923)
To mark the centenary of the death of Dom Joseph Pothier (1835–1923) and the 140th anniversary of the publication of the Liber Gradualis (1883), the Association Musicologie Médiévale and Saint-Wandrille Abbey invite you to submit papers for a conference to be held from October 30 to November 1, 2023, at Saint-Wandrille Abbey (Normandy) titled

The Restoration of Gregorian Chant

A Tribute to Dom Joseph Pothier (1835–1923)

Paper proposals may focus—in particular, but not exclusively—on the work of Dom Pothier. Proposals on the restoration of Gregorian chant from its earliest manifestations up to the present day, the socio-political components of this movement as they came to light in the 19th and early 20th centuries will also be accepted. Musical palaeography and Gregorian chant performance practises are also welcome topics.
Papers (in English or French) must last a maximum of 20 minutes, followed by a 10- minute discussion period. The deadline for submitting paper proposals is March 15, 2023. Please include in your submission, which can be in English or French, an abstract (MSWord or PDF file) of no more than 250 words and a biographical note of no more than 150 words, indicating any institutional affiliation. Please send these documents to
The Conference Paper Review Committee is made up of Juan Carlos Asensio (Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya), Dominique Crochu (Musicologie médiévale), Katharine Ellis (University of Cambridge), Jean-Pierre Noiseux (independent scholar, Montreal) and Frédéric Peruta, o.s.b. (Saint-Wandrille Abbey). Coordinator: Dominique Gatté (Musicologie Médiévale).


40° Corso Internazionale di Canto Gregoriano

A.I.S.C.Gre. Associazione Internazionale Studi di Canto Gregoriano – sez. italiana

sessione invernale: 2 – 5 gennaio 2020, Cremona

docenti: Giovanni Conti, Angelo Corno, Alessandro De Lillo, Riccardo Zoja

Ricordiamo a tutti gli interessati che le iscrizioni saranno aperte fino al giorno 5 dicembre 2019

Tutte le informazioni sui programmi dei corsi e le possibilità di alloggio a prezzi convenzionati sono reperibili sul depliant:

    scarica qui il depliant in pdf

Per accedere al sito e iscriversi:

compila qui la scheda di iscrizione

Go to the GIC Facebook Page: see what’s happening; join the discussion!

Cantemus Newsletter 2019

14th Annual Colloquium of the Gregorian Institute of Canada
August 8-11, 2019
Saint-Benoît-du-Lac Abbey (QC)

Theme : Hispanic Plainchant

Guest clinician : Juan Carlos Asensio Palacios (Spain)

The colloquium centres on Hispanic chant (often called Mozarabic chant). Participants will have the opportunity to acquaint themselves with this repertoire through workshops conducted by Juan Carlos Asensio Palacios, Director of the Schola Antiqua (Spain) and a renowned musicologist. Mr. Asensio will also share his knowledge of the history of Hispanic liturgical chant, its manuscript sources, and efforts aimed at its revival.

The colloquium will conclude on August 11 in the afternoon with a concert of Hispanic Chant and Organ presented in the abbatial church of Saint-Benoît-du-Lac. Under the direction of Mr. Asensio, participants will present the fruit of the work they have accomplished over the course of the weekend. Organist Dom Richard Gagné, o.s.b., will improvise at the organ on chants performed by Colloquium participants.

For information and registration click here.

St Benoit

Cantemus Newletter 2018

The Sarum Office and Mass: December 21-22

Dear Friends: we in Hamilton Ontario plan on singing the Sarum Office and Mass for December 21 evening and December 22 day. This will be second vespers of St. Thomas and Saturday in the ember days of Advent. All are welcome. Address: Grace Lutheran Church, 1107 Main Street West. We are planning a very full office: December 21: Vespers 7:00 pm, Compline 8:00 pm; Saturday: Matins-Lauds 7:00 am, Matins and Lauds of St. Mary, 8:50; Lauds of the Dead: 9:30, Prime-Chapter-Terce-Sext, 10:00; Mass 11:15; Lunch 12:15; None 1:00. (Hopefully we can keep to schedule!!) Anyone who is interested is most welcome: If you would like the text and music of the event, please contact me directly at renwick [at] mcmaster [dot] ca and I will send you the two large files (total 168 pages)!


The Feast of the Assumption

Dear friends:
Brandon Wild and William Renwick have concocted a plan to sing the full Sarum Liturgy for the Feast of the Assumption, August 14-15, 2018.  I write to invite you to participate if you are interested – – – in part – – – or in the whole.  The idea is to gain an experience in medieval worship.

The full liturgy is available here: Feast of the Assumption.

Because of the length of the document (190 pages), we are not printing it for you – – – but you are welcome to print out any or all of it if you wish.

We will be singing at Grace Lutheran Church, 1107 Main St W, Hamilton, ON.

The schedule will be approximately :
Tuesday August 14:
First Vespers 7:00 pm
Compline : 8:00 pm
Wednesday August 15:
Matins 7:00 am
Lauds 8:30 am
Prime 9:15 am
Chapter 9:45 am
Terce 10:30 am
Procession 11:00 am
Mass 11:15 am
Sext 1:00 pm
None 3:30 pm
Second Vespers 6:30 pm
Compline 7:30 pm.

Please contact me, William Renwick, for further information.


Dear Colleagues,

I am a Directrice de recherche émérite at the Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes (CNRS) in Paris, where I study liturgical and musical medieval chants.

I am getting in touch with you to present a new musicological database, COMPARATIO, on which I have worked for some years. In it I study chants for the liturgical medieval office. For each chant, I give transcriptions coming from manuscripts of different origins. My aim is to make known latin and musical variants that are still unrecorded and thus facilitate the identification of manuscripts of unknown origin.

Moreover, COMPARATIO allows the study of the modal evolution of these songs thanks to musical variations. And in the practical field, it can be useful to Gregorian choirs who want to improve the knowledge of their repertoire and thus sing it better.

I attach to this mail a presentation published in the medieval journal Scriptorium explaining the various special features of the website.

With the help of the computer specialists at the Institut, COMPARATIO has been developed and put online, at the folowing adress :

I would appreciate having your reactions and remarks.

In addition, I would also like to have your opinion on a cooperative project between users and myself :

At the moment, I choose randomly the chants that I treat, and some will enter COMPARATIO not before many years. A scholar or a choir conductor interested in a particular chant could ask to have it entered against a small financial contribution. It would be a win-win partnership : the sponsor could study the chant and I would receive the funding I need to developp COMPARATIO.

Do you think that such an idea is realistic and useful ? Would you personally be interested ?

With my best regards,

​​Claire Maître
Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes CNRS,  UPR 841
40, avenue dIéna, 75116 Paris


Hamilton Schola Cantorum

featuring the Responsories of Healey Willan

Port Nelson United Church, 3132 South Dr, Burlington ON

Saturday, March 25, 7:00 pm

Stichting Psalterium: The Psalterium Foundation

Medieval Music Manuscripts Online Database

Mass in French with Gregorian Chant
10 February 4 pm
Église Sacré-Coeur, 244, rue Bossé, Chicoutimi