
Become a member of the Gregorian Institute of Canada and support its mission

Individual Membership

Individual membership fees for 2022-2023 will be set at $30 for regular members, $20 for members with low income (<$30000), and is valid from the present (or July 1st 2021) to June 30th 2023. Members will enjoy rebates on registration fees for Gregorian Institute activities. They will receive the Cantemus bulletin and the GIC newsletters. Members will also have the opportunity to publicize their Gregorian activities on the Gregorian Institute of Canada website.

Institutional Membership

Institutional membership fees for 2022-2023 will be set at $100 and is valid from the present (or July 1st 2022) to June 30th 2023. Added to individual membership privileges, institutional members will receive upon specific request several copies of the Cantemus bulletin, and will have the opportunity to publicize their activities in an exclusive section of the GIC website.

Please note that we provide our members with an annual list of members’ names and email addresses. If you do not wish us to release your information please advise us in writing at Gregorian Institute of Canada, 45 Mercer St. Dundas, ON. L9H 2N8

Regular Membership

Low Income Membership

Payment by Cheque :

Download the attached pdf application form and mail with your cheque to The Gregorian Institute of Canada, 45 Mercer St., Dundas., ON. L9H 2N8

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any additional information.

Membership Application 2022-2023